von gonzobey » 8. Mai 2004 08:28
Hello Peter!
I think you don´t need to worry, because of a few things:
- at the moment you have a young colony on the way of growing up. The queen lays eggs, which don´t need food. The larvae are the only development stage that will need nutrition (carbohydrates = sugar & honey water AND porteins = death insects or meet if they eat it).
- maybe you don´t have jet much larvae so the ants are not so interessted in food.
- remember that ants are very small and don´t need so much food. Especially the queen can live a long time using her non-needing flying muscles as food.
I recommend you to give them regardless avery 3-4 day new fresh food, when they are hungry they will search for it. Maybe you can find some insects in the nature (for this you don´t must walk in a park - you also find some insects in fromt of your house), cut them into pices and look if the ants want this more than your ham?