Before i got a conley of lasuis niger and i am pleased to report it was a complete succsess the ants have settled in nicely and theres about 50 of them . So i made a list of ideas about the kin of ants iike and i hope you can recomend i type to me.
1. i would a more lively and intresting conely.
2. I dont mind stinging bites as long as there not two painfull.
3. this is not a must but i would like a speices that has soilders.
4. I dont want them to be really hard to look after just abit more than my previous conely.
5. I dont want the ants to be really really big apart from the soilders>
that all plz reply
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Post from 3:55pm
Sorry the first sentence was a bit messed i ment i would like a new type of ant conley this is the type i like. soz