ARCC Pogonomyrmex Maricopa blog. (includes-pictures+videos)

Here you find the place to interchange your experiences of keeping exotic ants.

ARCC Pogonomyrmex Maricopa blog. (includes-pictures+videos)

Beitragvon Arcc » 10. Mai 2012 22:02

Hello my fellow ant enthusiasts.

Some of you may recognise my small colony of pogonomyrmex from a past thread. which can be found at the end of this post.

Well this colony is doing so well that i have now decided to do an actual blog with regular updates. :D

The amount of workers has increased to 7 and the brood pile is the largest it has ever been. estimated- 5 pupae, 10 larvae different stages and around 30 eggs. the intake of food is quite amazing. These ants love their insects they get through allot weekly they are also now even killing live prey.

Please enjoy this video of them killing a live hover fly. Please rate, comment and subscribe. Also please expect many more videos to come.

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Re: ARCC Pogonomyrmex Maricopa blog. (includes-pictures+videos)

Beitragvon Arcc » 15. Mai 2012 22:52

Hey guys a much needed update the worker count is now 10. They keep on eatting at an amazing speed. The queen seems really happy as she lays allot. In my opinion i think the colony need a bigger testube.

Some pictures:




please comment.
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Alter: 27
Registriert: 9. Mai 2012 21:43
Land: United Kingdom (uk)
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